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  Артек - идеальный летний лагерь / Artek - Het ideale vakantiekamp (2002) Нидерланды WEB-Rip
Категория: Документальные | Автор: nrg345 | (27 декабря 2022)


Название: Артек - идеальный летний лагерь
Оригинальное название: Artek - Het ideale vakantiekamp
Год выхода: 2002
Жанр: документальный
Режиссёр: Walter Stokman

"Пионеры" стран бывшего СССР

On the Crimea in the Ukraine an international summer camp is coping with Ukrains new capitalist era. This international children’s camp is not just a summer camp. ARTEK was a very exclusive camp for the Soviet youths; a paradise on the Black Sea coast. Millions of young pioneers considered ARTEK as the promised land. The chosen few who were able to belong to ARTEK for a month, were regarded as the elite of the nation. The highest possible reward for young talented children (or those with powerful parents). ARTEK was considered paradise.
The camp still exists, but the situation in the former Soviet Union changed drastically. Around 30 million young pioneers used to live in the former Soviet Union, all aged between 7 and 16. Less than one percent of them ever made it to ARTEK. ARTEK is now private. When parents are prepared to pay the fee, their children can visit ARTEK unlimitedly. This documentary is a special look into the future, seen through the eyes of ARTEK’s new generation; the ideal holiday camp brimming with good intentions.

  Иванна / Ivanna (2022) Индонезия WEB-DL
Категория: Ужасы, Триллеры, На языке оригинала | Автор: кузнечик212 | (27 декабря 2022)


Название: Иванна
Оригинальное название: Ivanna
Год выхода: 2022
Жанр: ужасы, триллер
Режиссёр: Кимо Стамбол / Kimo Stamboel

В ролях:
Кэйтлин Халдерман / Caitlin Halderman, Джоварел Каллум / Jovarel Callum, Джуниор Робертс / Junior Roberts, Шэнди Уилльям / Shandy William, Соня Алисса / Sonia Alyssa, Taskya Namya, Яю А.В. Унру / Yayu A.W. Unru, Rina Hasyim, Yatie Surachman, Танта Гинтин / Tanta Ginting, Мухаммад Кхан / Muhammad Khan и др.

Ambar and his family were terrorized when they celebrated Lebaran in the Bandung area. Ambar, a beautiful young woman who has limited vision, is able to see things that other people can't see.


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