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  Посетитель / Le Visiteur (1946) Франция DVD-Rip
Категория: Драмы, На языке оригинала | Автор: vill | (5 июня 2009)


Название: Посетитель
Оригинальное название: Le Visiteur
Год выпуска: 1946
Жанр: драма
Режиссер: Jean Dreville

В ролях:
Pierre Fresnay, Antoine Balpêtré, Michel Vitold, Simone Sylvestre, Jean Debucourt, Edmond Beauchamp, Michel Barbey, Roger Krebs, Pascal Tabary

French filmmaker Jean Dreville was a talented man frequently consigned to project beneath those talents. One of those projects was Le Visiteur, an overheated melodrama with sociological undertones. Pierre Fresnay plays a crooked lawyer who must hide out from the cops when he commits murder. Fresnay chooses to take shelter in an orphanage, where he poses as a government inspector. His enforced stay has a remarkable effect on everyone involved. Le Visiteur was released by Films Sirius, a firm that strove to find properties that would appeal to audiences beyond the borders of France: in this case, the company didn't succeed.

Around midnight at the orphanage..In the corridors of the house,in the darkest night ,up comes a man.Dreville,from the very start of his story,creates a mysterious haunting atmosphere.Who is this man? For the headmaster,it's the second coming!The messiah! He'd always told him he would come back some day.He was the pride of the orphanage ,a former pupil who became a celebrated lawyer.He is a God ,no less...There's in the house a place dedicated to him,with his pictures,flowers,decorations...It looks like an oratory! But the hero is not the one you think he is;the Police are hot on his heels,and he is looking for a refuge .Jean-Bernard Luc's screenplay avoids all the traps (no love scenes :the one woman who appears for a five-minute scene is a bitch and an informer;no easy way out: no miscarriage of justice,no wrong man trick) and is as demanding as a good film noir should be.


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