Название: Великая заря Оригинальное название: La grande aurora Английское название: The Great Dawn Год выхода: 1947 Жанр: мелодрама Режиссёр: Джузеппе Мария Скотезе / Giuseppe Maria Scotese
Описание: Итальянский вундеркинд Пьеро Гамба, в девять лет дирижировавший симфоническим оркестром, играет в этом фильме самого себя - мальчика, преодолевающего все преграды на пути его таланта.
Child prodigy symphonic conductor Pierino Gamba plays himself in this charming Italian bio-pic. Piero wants to become a professional but finds himself arguing with his wealthy grandfather who wants him to pursue other paths. The boy's dad, a composer with little talent, becomes a clown in Paris so that he can help the lad's mother get custody of the b oy from the grandfather. The boy, has other plans. Enlisting the aid of a local priest, the boy organizes a full orchestra which he will conduct during their open-air concert. After the concert the mother and father get back together and the grandfather changes his mind.