
Оригинальное название: Matinée / Asalto en la basílica Год выхода: 1977 Жанр: драма, комедия, приключения, криминальный триллер Режиссёр: Хайме Умберто Эрмосильо / Jaime Humberto Hermosillo
В ролях: Эктор Бонилья / Héctor Bonilla, Мануэль Охеда / Manuel Ojeda, Родольфо Чавес Мартинес / Rodolfo Chávez Martínez, Армандо Мартин / Armando Martin, Нарсисо Бускетс / Narciso Busquets, Марилу Элисага / Marilú Elízaga, Фарнесио де Берналь / Farnesio de Bernal, Сесар Боно / César Bono, Ernesto Bañuelos, Эванхелина Мартинес / Evangelina Martínez и др.
Plot: Two young schoolboys in a Mexican town cut class to go to a matinee. They are caught, grounded and almost expelled by from their school. Later, they accompany a truck driver to Mexico City, one boy as a stowaway. Their truck is soon hi-jacked by a team of highway pirates, and the boys are well on their way to an adventure greater than anything they missed at the matinee. But this is not a cuddly children's film. There is much humor, but only from unexpected circumstances. There is much more suspense, murder and tragic unraveling of character during the commissions of serious crimes leading to a major caper at Mexico's great shrine, the basilica of the Virgin of Guadalupe.