
Оригинальное название: Her Husband's Betrayal Год выхода: 2013 Жанр: драма, триллер Режиссёр: Рон Оливер / Ron Oliver
В ролях: Жаклин МакИннес Вуд / Jacqueline MacInnes Wood, Шон Робертс / Shawn Roberts, Марк Бендавид / Marc Bendavid, Джейкоб Хорсли / Jacob Horsley, Джеймс Миллингтон / James Millington, Олунике Аделийи / Oluniké Adeliyi, Зои Палмер / Zoie Palmer, Джин Мак / Gene Mack, Рэйчел Уилсон / Rachel Wilson, Шон Лоуренс / Shawn Lawrence
Plot: Cathy Coulter is looking forward to a bright future with new husband Riley and her son Billy. Settled in their new home, Cathy becomes disheartened with Riley's frequent work trips and her intuition tells her something is amiss. When Riley leaves for his next job, Cathy follows him...all the way to another family's home! When Cathy storms in to confront him, she finds a dead body and receives a call from Riley saying she must confess to the crime or her son will be killed. With the police hot on her tail, Cathy goes on the run to unearth the truth before it is too late to save her son.