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  Чудесный мяч / Der Wunderball (2010) Германия WEB-Rip
Категория: Короткометражные, На языке оригинала, Прямая ссылка / одним файлом, Смотреть Онлайн | Автор: Андрей | (27 августа 2012)


Название: Чудесный мяч
Оригинальное название: Der Wunderball
Год выхода: 2010
Жанр: короткометражный
Режиссер: Nicolas Rolke

В ролях:
Linus Haug, Liam Rückersberg, Dieter Schütz

A boy meets an antique dealer who tells him about a magical football from 1954 which brought the Germans the victory in the football world cup in 1954, 1974 and 1990. The boy quickly is willing to do everything to get his hands on the ball.

  Что такое телефон / We Learn About the Telephone (1965) США WEB-Rip
Категория: Короткометражные, Другое, На языке оригинала, Прямая ссылка / одним файлом | Автор: Андрей | (27 августа 2012)


Название: Что такое телефон
Оригинальное название: We Learn About the Telephone
Год выхода: 1965
Жанр: короткометражный
Режиссер: Jean Yarbrough

В ролях:
Wright King, Pat Cardi / Patrick Cardamone, Richard Webb, Pamelyn Ferdin

Bill Matthews, a graphic artist, is planning on taking his nephew and niece, Jimmy and Susie Matthews, on a picnic. Before they can leave, Bill receives an important telephone call from one of his clients, the police department. While waiting for the rain to subside for them to be able to go on their picnic, Bill, thinking about that telephone call, wants to educate Jimmy and Susie about how man communicated over long distances before the telephone. Using his artistic ability, Bill creates an animated world for them, which outlines such primitive communication methods as runners, messengers on horseback, smoke signals, and flashing light signals, then moving onto electronic methods such as the telegraph and then the telephone. Each communications advance was designed to make communication faster, easier, more convenient and/or more effective. Bill, still using his animated world, describes how the telephone works and outlines proper telephone protocol and etiquette...


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