
Название: Мистер Скаутмастер Оригинальное название: Mister Scoutmaster Год выпуска: 1953 Жанр: комедия Режиссер: Henry Levin
В ролях: Clifton Webb, Edmund Gwenn, George Winslow, George Winslow, Orley Lindgren, Jimmy Hawkins, Sammy Ogg, Lee Aaker, Mickey Little, Teddy Infuhr, Robert Winans, Dee Pollock, Jimmy Moss, Skip Torgerson и другие.
Описание: Robert Jordan is a television star. Robert Jordan likes things orderly, on time and properly executed. In his world children are to be seen, not heard. So why would Mr. Jordan want to become the master of a rambunctious band of Boy Scouts? Ratings. His staff figures that if learns how to interact with the youth, they will be more inclined to watch his show.