
Название: Бута Оригинальное название: Buta Год выхода: 2011 Жанр: драма, семейный, притча Режиссёр: Ильгар Наджаф \ İlqar Nəcəf \ Ilgar Najaf В ролях: Рафиг Азимов \ Rafiq Əzimov \ Rafig Guliyev, Тофиг Алиев \ Tofig Aliyev \ Tofiq Əliyev, Ляман Набиева, Эльнур Керимов, Арзу Исаева, Мирмохсун Мирзоев, Бахадур Сафиев, Кимьяханым Дашдиева, Сулейман Наджафов Описание: «Бута» - это история одинокого 7-летнего мальчика по имени Бута, который живёт в горной деревне со своей бабушкой. Он подружился со стариком, торговцем жидким мылом, который когда-то любил и потерял бабушку Буты. Дружба и мудрый совет старика помогают Буте преодолеть его жизненные трудности. Тем временем бабушка Буты плетёт специальный ковёр в память о матери Буты. Ковёр имеет особый узор (также называемый «бута»), который означает "Любовь". Мальчик, вдохновленный работой своей бабушки, решает сделать свою собственную «буту» из камней, высоко на вершине горы… BUTA is a tale-myth about a great love. The main characters of the movie are children who are in the very beginning point of their life. The main character, boy called Buta is luckier than others because he has got a wise adviser (tutor) who sells a liquid soap. This man helps boy in every step of his way. The wise man dreams to restore an old mill, whereas Buta wishes for different thing – he wants to create a big pattern on the top of the mountain by using stones as all who flies high – birds and people in the planes - would be able to watch and admire it. But he is surrounded by envious village boys who prevent him. Buta, who has wisdom too young to have, reveals their miserable nature that gets them irritated very much. They have confrontations every now and then. A representative of the soap making company comes to the village to promote his product. After he falls in love with a local girl, called Gyoncha. Gyoncha needs to finish her work - to weave a carpet of her life and then to get married to him. Multiple of storylines crossing each other are coming to an end at the same time – the carpet is woven, the pattern is created and an old miller falls into an eternal sleep after restoring his mill finally. His soul flies high over the village watching all that is happening there.
Best children's feature film Asian Pasific Screen Award 2011 * Grand Prix Cape Winelands Film Festival 2011 * Golden Butterfly - Best Asian Film Isfahan International Film Festival 2012 * Listopad International Film Festival 2 awards (Private Jury Diploma) (Best Screenplay Award) (Best male actress) * Malala International Film Festival – (Best Foreign Movie-Crystal Apricot) * International International Film Festival (Best female actress) * APSA – Asian Cinema Academy (Young filmmaker award)
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Производство: Азербайджан (Buta Film) Продолжительность: 01:38:13 Язык: азербайджанский Файл Формат: MKV Качество: WEB-Rip 1080p Видео: AVC, 1920x1080, 25 fps, ~2257 kbps, 0.044 bit/pixel Аудио: AAC, 44.1 kHz, 2 ch, ~128 kbps Размер: 1.64 GB
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