Семейные, На языке оригинала, Торренты и eMule » Клюшки и шайбы / Sticks and Stones (2008) Канада DVD-Rip

5 сентября 2010 от blizzardkid


Название: Клюшки и шайбы
Оригинальное название: Sticks and Stones
Год выхода: 2008
Жанр: семейный
Режиссер: Джордж Михалка / George Mihalka

В ролях:
Дэвид Сатклайф / David Sutcliffe, Аликзандр Дэ Джорди / Alexander De Jordy, Дэниел Магдер / Daniel Magder, Джон Робинсон / John Robinson, Ричард Фицпатрик / Richard Fitzpatrick, Дэбра МакКейб / Debra McCabe, Кэри Лоурэнс / Cary Lawrence, Лори Холлиер / Lori Hallier, Камэрон Ансэлл / Cameron Ansell, Скот Бьодэн / Scott Beaudin, Марк Камачо / Mark Camacho, Самюэл Эрл / Samuel Earle, Алессандро Костантини / Alessandro Costantini, Марк Троттиэ / Marc Trottier, Люк Пруль / Luc Proulx, Эндрю Джонстон / Andrew Johnston и др.

Основан на реальной истории. Для укрепления канадско-американских отношений, капитан юношеской хоккейной команды организовывает турнир. В это-же время проходят акции, митинги против Иракской военной кампании.

In Sticks and Stones, the captain of a Canadian Pee-Wee hockey team organizes a tournament to make amends for the horrible treatment an American team received during a visit to Canada in March, 2003.

As the movie begins, the U.S. invasion of Iraq is making headlines when a bus carrying the Brockton Boxers, a team of 12-year-old American hockey players from Brockton, Massachusetts, makes its way to a Pee-Wee tournament in Canada.

The Boxers are met by thousands of anti-war protesters who attack their bus. Later, when the American players attend a Montreal Canadiens game, Canadian fans boo the American national anthem and barrage the Boxers with heckles to "go home."

Despite playing with their chins up, the Boxers face the tough Fredericton Canadiens team and an unfair and seemingly anti-American referee.

After this bitter experience the American boys and their families leave, vowing never to return to Canada. A year later, thanks to the efforts of Jordy (Alexander De Jordy), the captain of the Fredericton Canadiens, the American Pee-Wee players are welcomed back to Canada for the "Friendship 2004 Hockey Tournament."

Neil Martin (David Sutcliffe) is Jordy's father and coach of the Fredericton Canadiens, who helps his son create the Friendship Tournament; Neil's assistant coach Craig (Mark Camacho) lives through his own son's NHL dreams and challenges the idea of the Friendship Tournament.

The Brockton Boxers are represented by team captain Michael Carver (Daniel Magder); his father, Peter (John Robinson), a police officer and dedicated hockey dad; and coach Al Bouchard (Richard Fitzpatrick), a patriotic American who at first is not convinced the Friendship Tournament is a good idea.

The Boy Scouts and ctv.ca

От себя: Ссылки на rapidshare взяты с сайта Boy Scouts - спасибо им / thanks to them!


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Производство: Канада
Продолжительность: 01:30:46
Язык: английский

Формат: AVI
Качество: DVD-Rip
Видео: Xvid, 624x352 (1.78:1), 938 Kbрs
Аудио: 127 kbрs
Размер: 700 MB

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