Комедии » Иди свои путем /Going My Way (1944) США DVD-Rip

10 июня 2011 от lapss


Название: Иди своим путем
Оригинальное название: Going My Way
Год выхода: 1944
Жанр: комедия, мюзикл
Режиссер: Лео МакКери / Leo McCarey

В ролях: Бинг Кросби, Бэрри Фицджералд, Фрэнк МакХью, Джеймс Браун, Джин Локхарт, Джин Хэзер, Портер Холл, Фортунио Бонанова, Эйли Мэлион, хор мальчиков Роберта Митчелла

Отец Фицгиббон, пожилой священник округа. Он отслужил в старом районе города уже 45 лет, но его церковь бедна, плохо отапливается и имеет долги за аренду земли. Для поправки дел прихода к нему направлен молодой священник Чак О`Молли.Отец Фицгиббон испытывает смешанные эмоции, общаясь с приезжим, слишком уж он неординарен в своих взглядах на жизнь. И на самом деле молодой священник, в свободное от службы время, играет в бейсбол с местной детворой, организует хор из трудных подростков и даже ходит в кино. Он говорит: «религия должна быть полной света и жизни, а не унылой и серой». Проходят недели и Отец Фицгиббон и священник Чак О`Молли проникаются пониманием к друг другу, ведь их цель одна нести радость слова божьего людям

The Robert Mitchell Boys Choir
The Robert Mitchell Boys Choir - Bob Mitchell Singing BoysThe Mitchells Boy's choir was an american choir popular on the radio and television and even films in the 50s.

Bob Mitchell's Boys Choir is the unique result of a talented man of music who understands and loves to work with kids. Mr. Mitchell started the group in 1934. The boys range in age from 10 to 15 years, so of course new voices are always being added as the older members leave. It's not easy to keep an ever changing group together and "in voice", but Mitchell does - and likes it!

Ther is no shortage of applicants to replace outgoing members - little fellows who already enjoy music at an early age clamor to join Bob Mitchell's Choir. It's an honor to be accepted. Many former members of the Choir, thanks to Bob's early training, are now doing picture and television work. You don't expect a musically accurate performance from these eager young voices. Much of their charm would be lost if accuracy were accented by their leader. The appeal of these blended voices rising in song lies in their casual easiness, youthful enthusiasm and the fresh, individual interpretation given each number they do.

They are all live, red-blooded mischievous little boys, just like your own youngsters or some you know. However, when assembled to sing, they become serious little men - each with eyes fastened on Bob Mitchell, quick to follow his every direction and anxious to win his approval. To help defray costs of housing and board supplied them by Bob, these little fellows appear in pictures, TV, sing at weddings, benefits and on other occasions. You've probably seen or heard Bob's choir in GOING MY WAY, THE JOLSON STORY, YANKEE DOODLE DANDY and WHITE CHRISTMAS.

Bob subsequently formed Mitchell Boys Choir, which provided the music for and appeared in dozens of films including “Angels with Dirty Faces” with James Cagney and the Christmas classic, “The Bishop’s Wife."

His boy’s choir also recorded with Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra among others. His works with the boy’s choir also garnered him several illustrious honors including a Silver Medal from Princess Grace (Kelly) of Monaco, a Medal from the Pope and the Boy Scouts of America.-

from Larchmont chronicle

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Производство: США
Продолжительность: 02:01:00
Перевод: Профессиональный (двухголосый)

Формат: AVI
Качество: DVD-Rip
Видео: 512x368 (1.39:1), 25 fps, XviD MPEG-4 ~1352 kbps avg, 0.29 bit/pixel
Аудио 1: 44.100 kHz, MPEG Layer 3, 2 ch, ~128.00 kbps avg (русская)
Аудио 2: 48 kHz, MPEG Layer 3, 2 ch, ~128.00 kbps avg (английская)
Размер: 1.37 GB

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